CCE is not a pressure anymore........

Are you still maintaining several registers for recording scholastic and non-scholastic achievements?

Do you still not have enough time to prepare reports with all Board requisites?

Are you still worried about the objectivity in assessing the students with continuous assessments in a non-threatening environment?

Are you still not convinced that a single teacher can assess all the students in a scientific and unbiased manner?

Are you still unable to believe that there can be a user friendly tool to prepare student-wise descriptive indicators accommodating all your concerns and views?

Your life can change overnight!

CCE tracker makes it a pleasure to measure the ability and achievements of every student at ease!

CCE tracker completely complies with the objectives of CCE in providing a comprehensive report of a child leading to overall development!

CCE tracker an Intelligent Support System that processes information, analyses and interprets the records with meaningful descriptive indicators and calculates GP and CGPA.

CCE tracker is an easy to use automated yet flexible tool, making the norms of CCE reporting system more realistic and meaningful.

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